Core Team Analitik Data Raya was established to modernise public sector services
through managing and implementing big data analysis with the collaboration of other government agencies.
What is R?
An open-source statistical environment which uses programming syntax with many built-in statistical functions
R is an integrated suite of software facilities for data manipulation, calculation and graphical display.
R is a dialect of S.
S was initiated in 1976.
One key limitation of the S language was that it was only available in a commercial package, S-PLUS.
1991, R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in the Department of Statistics at the University of Auckland.
1993 the first announcement of R was made to the public.
1995, Martin Mächler convincing Ross and Robert to make R free software
Why R?
R is open source, so it’s free.
R provides a wide variety of statistical techniques and graphical capabilities.
R has a vast community both in academia and in business
It has comprehensive set of function
Data access
Data cleaning
Data reporting
Two platform of R and R Studio. Compatible on Windows, MAC OSX and Linux
Highly extensible and it has thousands of well-documented extensions (named R packages) for a very broad range of applications in the financial sector, health care,…
What is CRAN in R?
CRAN = Comprehensive R Archive Network
The primary R system
CRAN also hosts many add-on packages that can be used to extend the functionality of R.
What is PACKAGES in R?
Collections of R functions, data, and compiled code in a well-defined format
The directory where packages are stored is called the library.
R comes with a standard set of packages.
Others are available for download and installation
More than 7,800 packages
R vs R Studio
R : programming language that runs computations
R studio : is an integrated development environment (IDE) that provides an interface by adding many convenient features and tools.
How to install R?
You will first need to download and install both R and RStudio (Desktop version).
It is important that you install R first and then install RStudio.
Install R
Download here:
Choose your OS (Windows, Linux or Mac)
Current version : Download R 3.6.1 for Windows
Install R Studio
R studio (download here:
Choose RStudio Desktop (Open Source License)
Make sure to download the installer, not the zip/tarball
Download and follow instruction. And you are ready to explore the R?
Getting Started with R
Start R by Double click on R shortcut icon/ Go to Start → Program → R or R Studio
Getting Started with R : File/ plot/ packages/ help window
Here you can open files, view plots (also previous plots), install and load packages or use the help function.